Mini-Relaxation Techniques That Work: Music, Breathing, And More


We all can sometimes feel overly stressed, experiencing a strong urge to relax and unwind. Fortunately, we don’t necessarily need to embark on a trip to Miami to recharge ourselves. Things are much more straightforward when you know what to do!

8 Mini-Relaxing Techniques to Know and Use


Of course, music is the first on this list. Put on something calming. It can instantly change your mood and help you relax. Far beyond that, music can

  • moderate your heart rate
  • activate the parasympathetic nervous system
  • reduce your cortisol levels.

The beauty of music is that it’s super accessible. It can accompany you anywhere and can act as a nice background for other activities such as sports.


Take a few deep breaths. There are many techniques, one of them is boxed breathing. With it, you inhale slowly for four seconds (count to four), then hold your breath for the same time and exhale for four seconds. Repeat the flow for several times. This will lower your heart rate and allow you to feel calmer.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Tense each muscle group one at a time, starting from your toes and moving up to your head, then relax them. The practice works on both physical and psychological levels. On the former, it helps to release tension in your back and neck muscles, reduce blood pressure, and work with migraines. In the psychological phase, it lets you achieve a more relaxed state.

Natural remedies

Nature has a lot to offer to help you relax. One of the most powerful aids in this regard is products that contain THC, a compound found in natural cannabis plants. Edibles like thc candy, for instance, can quickly soothe stress across your body and mind. These come in a whole variety of flavors from birthday cake to caramel that are euphoric in and of themselves.


Take a few minutes to sit quietly and focus on your breath or a mantra. Meditation teaches you to concentrate on a single thing, and it’s just what we need to debunk all the clutter around.


You can employ it during short sessions sitting at your work desk.


Close your eyes and imagine a peaceful place, like a beach or a forest. Picture yourself there, enjoying the surroundings. It’s a mental escape from stress. And besides, it’s a powerful technique to achieve your dreams and goals.


A few gentle stretches can relieve muscle tension. Try touching your toes, reaching for the sky, or doing a simple yoga pose. Stretching targets serotonin — the hormone of happiness that makes you feel good without anxiety and depression.

Quick Walk

Take a short walk outside. The fresh air and movement can boost your mood and clear your mind.


Besides, walking is the most accessible and the easiest physical activity that can do a lot to your health.

Why Does Your Body Need Regular Relaxation?

Regular relaxation is crucial for health, while stress can bring a lot of harm and destruction to our lives:

  • Stress puts tension on our necks and shoulders, causing dizziness and headaches.
  • It affects our mental state by increasing cortisol levels. It literally means a common state of worry, poor concentration, feelings of discomfort, and depression.
  • It can also cause fatigue when experienced for lengthy periods.

But there are more!

  • Stomach upset
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Chest pain
  • Sleeping problems

Stress can literally cause everything listed above. So, its impact on our bodies and minds is huge.

Now that you know all the dangers that unmanaged stress can bring, it seems to be high time to start using these mini-relaxation techniques (at least, some of them). After all, tackling routinely stressful situations is much easier than battling severe health consequences when they appear.

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