Exploring Semi-Fungible Tokens: The Blend of Fungible Flexibility and Unique Collectibility


In the world of cryptocurrency, you can never try and guess what will happen the next day. A new coin could gain value, and a trusted coin could lose its value, and no one can guess what and how.  There’s been a lot of buzz about SFTs, and you’ll dive into the details and understand the idea— semi-fungible tokens explained.

What Is a ‘Semi-Fungible’ Token?

Semi-Fungible Tokens, or SFTs, are pretty flexible. At first, they act like regular money—you can trade them easily. But as time goes on, they become unique and aren’t as easily traded anymore.

Imagine you are a huge soccer fan. You buy a first-class ticket online for the Champions League final. When the game is over, that ticket won’t get you into any more matches. But it becomes a special keepsake. Over time, it might even become more valuable as a collectible.

This change from something easily traded to something unique is what makes SFTs special. They are designed to stay active and work on smart contracts forever.

Fungible vs. Non-Fungible

Fungible Items

What Are They? These are things you can easily swap with another identical item.


  • One dollar is just like another dollar.
  • One Bitcoin is the same as another Bitcoin.

Why? They have the same value, so swapping them does not change anything.

Non-Fungible Items

What Are They? Unique items that can not be easily replaced.


  • Houses
  • Engagement rings

Why? They have special features or personal value, making them one-of-a-kind.

What About NFTs?

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

  • Unique: Each NFT is a special digital item, like a piece of digital art or a collectible.
  • Ownership: When you buy an NFT, you own a unique digital item with all its details stored on the blockchain.
  • Reselling: You can sell it later, but you can’t delete it.
  • Records: The blockchain keeps track of its history and ownership.

Example: Bored Ape Collection

  • What Is It? A famous digital art series with unique images.
  • Why Special? Each Bored Ape NFT is different and can’t be swapped for another.
  • Value: The value depends on how rare and unique each NFT is.

Key Differences

  • Fungible Tokens: These can be divided and swapped easily.
  • NFTs: Each is a complete, unique item with its own value.

So, while cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can be exchanged easily, NFTs are special because each one is unique and cannot be divided or replaced.

Advantages of Using SFTs

Semi-fungible tokens (SFTs) combine the best parts of fungible and non-fungible tokens. To help you decide between SFTs and NFTs, we’ve put together a list of their advantages.


Before use, SFTs act like regular tokens. Imagine you’re an influencer and get a wedding invitation from Ronaldo. While the event is happening, the invitation is just like any other token—it can be exchanged or treated the same as others. But once the event is over, the invitation becomes unique. It can’t be swapped for anything else and loses its value. This makes it a good example of a semi-fungible token.

SFTs use the ERC-1155 standard, which lets you create different types of tokens. This standard blends features of both fungible and non-fungible tokens. A big plus of SFTs is that they can be fixed if there’s a transfer mistake. Unlike fungible tokens, errors with SFTs can be corrected. So, if you accidentally send your tokens to the wrong address, you can get them back.

SFTs also allow for multiple transfers with lower fees. This is great for gaming apps because designers can use them to offer items with both regular and unique token features.

Semi-fungible tokens (SFTs) offer some really cool possibilities. But, for now, regular users and investors have to hang tight. The public markets, apps, and metaverse spaces for SFTs aren’t up and running just yet.

The Future of SFTs

There’s no doubt that Semi-Fungible Tokens (SFTs) have a promising future. They could really change how we use digital assets like money and collectibles. While we can’t predict exactly what will happen, here are some positive trends we might see with SFTs:


More People Using Them: SFTs could become popular because they combine the best features of regular tokens and unique tokens. This makes them easy to use for things like games and digital items.

  • Versatile Uses: SFTs could find their way into various areas, including games, art, collectibles, and even product tracking in stores.
  • Simple Rules: There might be a push for common standards and rules for SFTs, making them easier for everyone to understand and use.
  • New Regulations: The future of SFTs could be influenced by government regulations on cryptocurrencies. We might see clearer rules that help SFTs grow safely.
  • Public Support: The success of SFTs will depend on how much people embrace them. If they continue to gain popularity and trust, SFTs will likely improve over time.
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