The Value of Cultivating a Strong Teacher-Student Bond


Learning a discipline is something that requires a lot of time and hard work. Some state that to learn and master something it is necessary to dedicate around 10,000 hours to it!

Imagine you have just taken the step of committing to start learning something such as 3D Design. You have looked all over the internet and found an academy that looks incredible, has great facilities, lots of modern and super cool equipment, you have filled out the inscription form and are eager to learn and by the end of the week you realize the teacher does not like you whatsoever and is not putin any heart into what he is teaching. What a disappointment would that be, right?

In this article, we are going to talk about the importance of building a strong and positive teacher-student relationship. We will discuss the role this relationship has in learning, the benefits of having a good relationship for both students and teachers and some tips and strategies for building this strong teacher-student relationship.

“Would you like to be the teacher who is remembered for all the right reasons?”

The Role of the Teacher-Student Relationship in Learning

It is evident out that to learn something, the first step is to put one’s mindset to it. However, this is not the only factor that comes into play. A person can be extremely motivated and eager to learn and improve, however if the setup or environment they are trying to do it in is not optimal, the learning process can become exponentially slower, more complicated and less pleasant.

When we speak of the environment, we do not only refer to the physical dimension, such as the equipment needed or the location, but also to all the intangible things such as the quality of the content teached, the teaching method used and the atmosphere of the our learning scenario.

The establishment of a good teacher-student relationship is a very important part of education that is often ignored.

If the evolution of teaching is analyzed, it is evident that as it has been modernized and improved scientifically, the antique paths of “learning through suffering” or viewing the professor as a someone inherently superior and unquestionable, and someone with whom a relationship of confidence and trust can not be developed, causes the learning process to be both less effective and appealing for students. The establishment of a good and friendly relationship among teachers and students is the pathway to achieve an optimal education.

Teaching is, at its core, interpersonal work. It requires high levels of emotional intelligence


Harvard Graduate School of Education

Benefits for Students

For students, it is essential to have a good relationship and connection with their teachers for many reasons:

  1. First of all, being able to feel confident and safe around a teacher promotes healthy questioning and critical thinking. When the professor is viewed as “an equal” morally speaking it becomes a much easier task for students to fully open up and be able to ask all the questions and do all the contributions they might have not in a different setting where the teacher is an indubitable figure.
  2. To continue, the establishment of a good relationship between teachers and students makes students more willing to take in constructive criticism and follow indications. The forbidden fruit is always sweeter, and it is no different for teaching. What this means is that when there is a character we consider “above us hierarchically” giving us indications and suggestions for improvement, it is much more appealing to not listen if there is not a good relationship just for the sake of going against what that person, in particular, is saying. In contrast, when the teacher is considered an equal, with whom we have a good relationship, criticism and tips are much more likely to be accepted and taken in by the student, making the learning process of a discipline much faster.

  1. And last but not least, having a teacher with whom we have a good relationship is also very beneficial mentally and motivationally. The reason being simply that the student will be more likely to want to go to class, learn and grow in that area with a professor with whom he feels a relationship of mutual respect and liking than with someone that does not make any efforts to develop any kind of interaction with them.

Children learn better when they bond with their teachers

Benefits for Teachers

We have seen it from the perspective of a student, however, there are also great benefits that the establishment of a prosperous and good relationship between students and teachers entails for the instructors:

  1. Firstly, a good and strong teacher-student relationship helps having effective communication, which is essential for the addressing of issues and concerns that the student may have, whether academic or personal. Just as to students, this also supposes a big advantage for teachers, as it becomes easier to identify and resolve misunderstandings and learning concerns, allowing for the overall teaching quality to increase.
  2. Moreover, establishing a solid teacher-student relationship can allow the teacher to experience less of a “burnout” teaching the student while also enhancing the satisfaction and sense of achievement in their work. Teaching, just as any other profession, is demanding and can get tiring in occasions. Having some kind of emotional rewards can provide them with a significant morale boost, as seeing students who they appreciate and have a good relationship with grow and succeed makes their motivation and inspiration to teach remain alive and burning.
  3. Lastly, having a good relationship with students often entails a more respectful behavior and a less tense classroom environment. It is common to see students disrespect and not adhere to the teachers’ rules when their relationship with them is not great. However, when respect and kindness is there on both sides, students are more likely to adhere to rules and expose a more disciplined attitude towards the lessons.

Strategies for Building a Strong Teacher-Student Relationship

Everything sounds great, and is perfect on paper. However, sometimes it can be a little more complicated than it seems to set the foundations for a nice and solid teacher-student relationship.

Below are some tips that can help form a good relationship between teachers and students.

  1. Before even forming the relationship, make sure to look thoroughly and consider many professionals before making a choice. For example, if you are trying to learn how to play the piano and you know of a music academy in your neighborhood, don’t just blindly go and sign up. It is better to maybe go on the internet and just look up how to find a piano teacher, and look over different options. Read reviews from other users and ask people you know and forums to get opinions. At the end of the day, you have to choose a teacher who is going to be compatible with you as a person and a student, so take your time and do not just take the first option as the only one!
  2. On the first day, take some time to introduce yourself, talk a bit about yourself, your strengths and weaknesses related to the area you are going to be learning, and most importantly, let your teacher know your goal. This last thing is very important to clarify, because depending on your objectives and reasons to be learning something, the approach both you and your professor are going to have is going to vary, and making this clear from the beginning can avoid misunderstandings that can even develop to conflict in the future.


  1. Be nice. Little things like saying hello if you see your teacher outside of class, asking them how their day has been, and keeping the relationship respectful are great ways of establishing a good relationship. Remember, treating others with kindness and respect will often result in them treating you the same way!
  2. As tempting as it might be to ignore or disregard something, remember that both teachers and students can offer valuable perspectives. Teachers offer their guidance based on experience and knowledge specific to the subject, but many times students can also offer fresh or “inexperienced” feedback that can help improve the teaching and learning process for their personal cases. Embrace the opportunity to learn from one another, and collaborate to reach a maximal mutual understanding.


The bond between teachers and students is key to great learning. When teachers create a friendly and supportive atmosphere, students do better in school and life. This connection builds respect, improves communication, and makes the classroom a positive place. In the end, strong teacher-student relationships spark a love for learning that lasts a lifetime and helps students succeed.

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